Weaving an intersecting array of punctuation and rhythms, Dave Krusen provides Unified Theory with the unique substance of his energy: a musical launching pad for the creation and propulsion of this group's unified voice. Finding his roots in earlier musical pearls, Dave brings a quiet confidence and a solidity to the Theory: a synchopated framework on which hang the melodic fashionings of its other members. In the summer of 1998, Dave received a phone call from Brad Smith to join in a sort of impromtu recording session with Brad, Christopher Thorn and vocalist Chris Shinn at a private studio in one of the band member's homes in Seattle. Immediately taken both at the energy of their collaboration and the sound which resulted, Dave knew immediately that this was a vision worth joining. Although unable to join the group immediately, he kept in contact with the band. And, when he returned to Seattle eight months later, found them still in search of a permanent drummer. And so, in short, Unified Theory found its completion. Along with it, Dave found a sort of completion of his own: a wholeness stemming both from a foundation already built and the freedom then to experiment. Truly, Unified Theory bears Dave's signature in each song, completing this, a picture of perfect unity.
excerpt taken from the official unified theory site
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