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About Me
Top10 Reasons to
Drink and Drive!

Top10 Drinks
Things to do when
Drinking and Driving

Dangers of
Drinking and Driving

Places to
Drink and Drive

Celebrities who
Drink and Drive

Music to listen to while
Drinking and Driving


This page was designed digitally using:
Hardware used:


Intel Pentium 200MMX
Quantum BigFoot 2.5GB Hard Disk
Quantum Fireball 6.5GB Hard Disk
Iomega 100 External Zip Drive
Sound Blaster 32AWE
Macronix 3DFX graphics card with 8MB RAM
US Robotics 33.6 internal modem

300MHZ PowerPC G3
Ultra Wide SCSI 9GB Hard Disk (40MB/per second)
Iomega 100 internal Zip Drive
128-bit 2D/3D graphics accelator card
6MB SGRAM Video Memory
56KB internal modem

Output Devices
Hewlet Packard 5L Laser Jet
Epson 600 Colored Printer
Chuntex Electronics 17inch Monitor

Input Devices
Acer Galleria 300 Scanner
Wacom ArtPADII

Software used:
Windows 95
Adobe Photoshop 5
Adobe Illustrator 7
Adobe Pagemil 2.0
Microsoft Word 97
Paint Shop Pro 4
Frontpage 2.0
Internet Explorer 4.01
Netscape Navigator 4.0

Web Space made availabe by:
Internet Comunications, ICOM.

Music listened too during making of page:
Smashing Pumpkins, Adore; Garbage, Version 2.0;
The Psycho Realm, CK 68153; Soundtrack to The Lost Highway
; Korn, Follow The Leader; Wink, HereHear

Places I went to chill out during the making of page:
Orange Mechanique, Dunkin Donuts, Georges Snack, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Room 308 (Fadi's Room), George Farah.

Things that happend during making of page:
Got drunk, Smashing Pumpkin's came out with new CD, strike up at university, I went to the Antigone play, Got drunker, spent 8hours on net, had a 3 flat tires, watched friends get tattoos, McDonalds opened.

People I would like to thank:
The guy at Disc Jockey for getting
Smashing Pumpkins 'Adore' 4 days afer its US release! Tire Store man for being open on a sunday to fix my wheel... Also the other tire store man for being open at 4AM. Alex for lending me 10$ to buy Adobe Photoshop 5.0. Fadi for getting me high off the paint he used on his wall, my girl friend for not getting "That" pissed off when I told her I loved my computer more then her, university officials for raising tution fees 10% which in return caused a strike and which also in return gave me free time.

Copyright 1996-98 UNEX-T.
All rights reserved.