About Me
Top10 Reasons to
Drink and Drive!

Top10 Drinks
Things to do when
Drinking and Driving

Dangers of
Drinking and Driving

Places to
Drink and Drive

Celebrities who
Drink and Drive

Music to listen to while
Drinking and Driving



UNEX-T was established early 1998. It deals with webpage and graphic designing. All graphics are done in-house unless specified. You have no right to borrow, use, duplicate any of the graphics or writings unless given permission by me. If you want to use any of my graphics or writings you can email me and ask my permission. If you would like me to design your page for you then you can also email me. I have just teamed up with Clicks and am the head of the graphics design department. If you have any questions you can email me and I will reply shortly after. enjoy.

Other Pages Designed by UNEX-T:
Beirut Times
Break Of Dawn - Lebanon
funky VibEs
Drink and Drive
RAVErrr's HomePage

Coming soon:
Lebanese American University - Advertising Design Section

Copyright 1996-98 UNEX-T
All rights reserved.